Dal 14 al 26 marzo 2019, un gruppo di 15 radioamatori sarà attivo dal Togo con il nominativo 5V7EI, locator JJ06pd. Opereranno su tutte le bande 10-160 m nei modi SSB, CW e FT8 DXpedition Mode. QSL via diretta, OQRS e LoTW.
Di seguito le frequenze utilizzate in FT8:
Queste le raccomandazioni del team riportate sul sito ufficiale:
We will be using WSJTX-2.0.1 in Fox & Hound mode (except on 160m we will use the standard mode).
Please only call if you hear us.
Start with sending Tx2 (see below for details)
We will send RR73 and log you, no need to send your 73’s
Please do not TX on our 1000Hz
9.21 In a DX pileup situation, a shortened message sequence helps maximise the QSO rate. To set things up for this, double-click message Tx 1 to skip it (it will be greyed out). Now when you double-click a decode to call someone, you will start with Tx 2 instead i.e. sending both callsigns plus the report, rather than both calls plus your grid. Next, double-click Tx 4 to toggle from the conventional RRR message to RR73, short for ‘Yup, got it, thanks, let’s end the QSO right here: there is no need for us to swap 73’s as well. Good luck with the rest of the pile, CUL, please QSL on LoTW…’.