Siamo lieti di annunciare che l’11 marzo 2024 è stala rilasciata la nuova release del software WSJT-X 2.7.0-rc4 ed è pronta per essere scaricata dai beta tester. Questa nuova versione apporta una serie di miglioramenti e alcune correzioni di bug.
QMAP enhancements — of particular interest to EME operators:
– QMAP now decodes Q65 submodes with both 60-second and 30-second T/R sequence lengths. Clicking on a resulting line in the WSJT-X Active Stations window automatically sets dial frequency and working submode as needed to call that station.
– QMAP operates in 60-second receive sequences, and its Q65 decoder starts at t=19.5, 30.0, 49.5, and 58.5 s into the sequence. Most decoded messages are displayed well before the end of the relevant time slot.
– A new, more compact file format is now used for wideband data files. A “Save decoded” option has been added to the Save menu.
– An option has been added to allow exporting a 3 kHz portion of a wideband data file as a standard WSJT-X *.wav file.
– CTRL+click on QMAP’s upper waterfall sends an integer kHz dial frequency request to WSJT-X.
– With focus on the WSJT-X main window, hit Alt+A on the keyboard to clear the Active Stations window.
– Many minor enhancements to the User Interface.
– Enable decoding of MSK144 from the jt9[.exe] executable.
– Several changes to reduce problems experienced when (contrary to our recommendations) messages with short (10-bit) callsign hashes are used in standard FT4/FT8 sub-bands.